Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Back in the Single Column 2011 Resolutions

After spending most of 2010 in the unsingle life, I learned many things. The things I learned however were not necessarily lessons that needed to be reiterated. However, I am not ready to discuss the snafus of the past year, but only the things that I have decided I will never, or at least attempt to never to do again...
* I will not fall for someone because they show me a kindness. Life isn't like Beauty and the Beast, and just because he shows you a kindness does not mean that he wants to be your forever. Nor does it mean that you should think he is the one. Accept it for what it was, a peak moment of good character and move along.
* I will not let myself be an option, or a thing to be tried on. This is a bad habit of mine, making some guy my world, while to him I am only the current option until something better comes along.
* I will not make their dreams bigger and more important than mine. Even if somehow I do or did benefit in some way, it always signals the demise of the relationship after said dream is within their grasp. (references: See FIRST WIVES SYNDROME)
* I will not meet anyone's parents or friends for a long long long time. Losing one person is bad enough, losing a whole crowd of people, terminally sucks.
* I will not ever again involve my daughter in another relationship. If this means that I am remanded to celibacy and/or having all my relations take place far from the homestead, then thus it shall be.
* I will avoid becoming romantic with anyone that I have business relations with. Especially if I have to deal with them on a daily basis. Talk about giving yourself an early heart attack. The chest pains alone can kill ya!

Thus being said, the only really positive thing that I can say about this past year is that despite all I have been through in my life, I still have a huge capacity for love. What I need to do is learn not to try to give it to just one person, especially when it isn't wanted, but to spread it to different areas of life. I have discovered in the turmoil, that I have some great friends, who stuck by me, talked me down off the ledge, and still managed to have faith in me. I also learned who the liars, backstabbers, and fair weather friends were. It was an interesting year, and the most important thing that always prevails, life goes on.

1 comment:

  1. Good resolutions--very similar to the last ones I made myself several years ago. Improved my life dramatically! Haven't needed to make any more since then, actually. If I don't get a chance to say it later, Happy New Year to you and Tai!
